Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Yale University - The Bulldogs

The Yale Bulldogs

Yale University's sports team is called the Yale Bulldogs.

Yale is famous for their games against their rivals; the Harvard Crimsons. The Yale stadium is called the Bowl. That's where they have many games against the Crimsons.

Yale University

Yale University

Yale university was established on the year 1701 in New Haven, Connecticut. Many United States presidents graduated from Yale university. Handsome Dan is a bulldog which serves as the university mascot.

"Yale and Harvard have been rivals in almost everything for most of their history, notably academics, rowing and American football." (Wikipedia - Yale University).

Some presidential graduates of Yale university include Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Harvard Links

My education and knowledge on Harvard is limited, so my information is used from outside and inside opinions/facts. So, here goes some links where you can enjoy learning more about Harvard.

Thank you for reading about Harvard at CollegeWalk, please use CollegeWalk for further information on other colleges.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Harvard - Crimsons

Harvard Crimsons

Harvard's sports team is called the Crimsons. Harvard has an interesting history between Yale university, another Ivy league. They've had intense football games. Harvard has a stadium where sport events happen.

Some information thanks to:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Harvard University

Harvard University

Harvard University is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is a private university. It has a very low acceptance rate, but I don't believe in low chances. If you set yourself to a college, and work for it, then you should be in it. Harvard University was founded in 1636 by a MA legislature. "Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. It is also the first and oldest corporation in North America." (Wikipedia 4/1/08). Like Columbia, Harvard University is located in a city setting. Just take a bus from Harvard and get to Boston! I am personally a Yankee fan. So, I'm not going to talk much about Boston sport teams, except that they suck. Anyways, Harvard is in a good urban community. Harvard University has many colleges for different studies.